#i can't believe i actually finished a multi chapter fic
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greenegem · 2 hours ago
Took me awhile but I think I finally whittled it down to eleven (my favorite number) SO, in no particular order, these are a few of my favorite Benny fics:
-Best of All: Might Be Wishing by likethedirection
So good I added it to my Hidden Gems collection. I always seem to be drawn to fics that are introspective and full of wonder and this fits the brief. Literally can't describe it, I love it so much.
-FINALLY someone understands the hetero to homo pipeline doesn’t start straight in with dick in ass: Hiding Under a Full Moon by anarchycox
A beautiful reimagining of Benny as a werewolf with a kid meeting first season Dean after a hunting accident. Wild premise but somehow was able to check all my boxes. You know it’s a good one when they got you in love with an OC. And my lil blurb wasn’t lying, this is the perfect fic for a realistic look at someone exploring their sexuality and all the inherent mistakes therein. The pet names alone are worth the read. Brief warning though that the fic does use a dated word for skinwalker, so heads up!
-Multi-chapter Masterwork: This Could Be A City by CherryIce
Talk about a slow build! But I promise you every second is entirely worth it and fully utilized. Though I list it as a reasoning for a fic below (which omg I just realized is also written by this author no fucking way) the thing I love most about this work has to be the continued imagery and thematic theme of Dean’s arm smarting as he remembers the swing of the machete that chopped Benny’s head off. It’s brilliant, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s beautiful  wrapped up into 5 chapters. 
-The Best Benny fic that also somehow doesn’t actually star Benny: Only in My Imagination by deanbennylife
This is what I like to call a: Sam gets his shit together fic, and it’s perfect. Sam realizes the similarities between Dean’s relationship with Benny and Sam’s own relationship with his imaginary friend Sully and the brothers have a much needed (very manly) bond sess.
-Thematic thorough-line my beloved: Wayfinding by CherryIce
Didn’t even realize this was by the same person as the other multi-chapter godsend but honestly, yeah that tracks. A fic somehow both about travel and settling down, but ultimately a fic about finding yourself. It mentions printmaking too so that's a keeper. And Charlie is in it! Who doesn't like Charlie??
-Martin? Yeah, we don't even know her: You Make Me Live by littlesparrow33
Probably the best canon-divergence fic before the trials stuff starts. Like they had a vision babes and I would honest to god call them psychic with how well it came true. Marvelous way to take care of Martin, keep Elizabeth and Carencro for Benny to have a home/family, and somehow nab himself a boyfriend all in one.
-If I had to pick an AU: Swing of the Ax by round_robin
Feel like I have to include the one that I’m currently writing a fic inspired by but maybe that’s just me. I started this fic at 2am and then cancelled all prior plans to finish it because it was that good. I don’t normally enjoy AUs that are crossovers but this author was able to blend a beautiful love story between Dean and Benny with the canon Hunger Games storyline and make it WORK. Also love when the reason Dean volunteers isn’t for Sam, a lot of the other fics have it be that way (mine included oof) but I like how this take makes Dean seem all the more selfless.
-Best of bros: Long Con by Prodigal_anon
A bit of a hint of something more here but my love for this fic comes from how easy they seem together. These are friends, close friends, brothers in blood even, and they laugh and joke and tease and it’s so natural you’d believe they’ve been doin’ it all their lives. I’m also just a sucker for card games but it’s mostly the first reason anyways.
-Wholesome hope that makes my heart soar: All That Matters is the Light in You and I by clasch
I reread this fic just to cry happy tears and you should too. Delight bottled and toesies out, this fic takes inspiration from Ty Olsen’s cameo and knocks it out of the park. Everything I need and more. 
-I said I could only pick one fic titled Pure (there’s a lot) and this is the one I chose: Pure by reapertownusa
Benny’s running from life and Dean just can’t let him go. I love the lead in to this fic, the heaviness and realness of their interactions. Especially love the realization I had along with Dean at this part in particular:  At first, he’d been surprised when he’d hacked Benny’s phone and found him back in Louisiana. It wasn’t until he’d checked a map that he’d realized it was bumfuck nowhere, Louisiana. There wasn’t much of anyone to eat out here, but that was the problem. There were no hospitals or livestock. There wasn’t anything to feed on unless Benny had decided to make a go of it on catfish and second-hand blood from mosquitoes.
-Future Past Present Time Travel Bullshit: I Can Tell You How It Ends by anactoria
A case-fic in the before times leads to Dean bumping into an old old friend (hint hint babes I’m talking Benjamin). I’m going to be honest the ending of this fic goes somewhere where I didn’t really think it would but it's still a great study on Dean and Benny’s relationship. He comes to understand and appreciate Benny in a larger way than before and it’s a beautiful sight to see. I particularly like the moment where he acknowledges what home means to the vampire and acts accordingly, had to put my phone down after reading that one and squee.
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Sign ups are about 4 weeks away! Getting excited? We sure are!
In the mean time, share your favorite Benny Lafitte fan fics! Reblog this post with a link to your favorite (or favorites!) story that includes our favorite vamp!
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Want more info on the bang? Check the pinned post here on the blog!
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autistic-shaiapouf · 9 months ago
3041 words!! I hope I can have this one out next month or the month after <3333
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radioapple-heathen · 6 months ago
Hi folks! Since I've had an influx of new followers lately, figured it was about time I made one of these pinned posts.
Blurb: She/Her, married, thirties, aspec, rampant ADHD'er raising the next generation of neurodivergents. This was meant to be a sideblog for my brief fascination with radioapple, but now I'm actually hyperfixating on this pair, reading an unhealthy amount of fanfic, and writing fics, so I guess I'm stuck in this Hell with a very respectable penname to match. You can call me Hikari (a relic of my first ever fandom).
I usually won't take on more than 1-2 writing projects at a time, any more than that is a surefire way for me to end up with multiple incomplete projects, and it's really important to me that I finish the things I start (while fighting my ADHD brain every step of the way). Check out my fics, headcanons, and rec lists below!
My Fics:
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Multi-Chap, 4/4, Complete.
Lucifer stumbles upon a rather effective way of shutting up The Radio Demon.
Alternatively, Alastor can't cope with his feelings and makes it everyone else's problem.
2. loml
Multi-Chap, 8/20, In Progress.
“Why him?”
Lucifer crosses his arms over his stomach, hands clasping onto opposite elbows; a simulation of the hug he so desperately needs.
There’s a lot he can say here.
Like how Alastor makes his hopeless heart flutter with the belief that maybe dreams are still possible; that Alastor makes him feel something, anything, everything all at once, and it is as heavenly as it is torturous.
But all he can manage, in a voice so small he can scarcely believe it's his own, is, “He makes me laugh.”
Chapter Art: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
My Rec Lists:
My Top 10 Series Recs
My Top 10 Multi-Chap Recs
My Top 10 Oneshot Recs
(These are subject to change and will fluctuate over time as new content becomes available! But as of 9/1/2024, these are my top recs!)
My Headcanons:
Find them here!
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natalie668 · 11 months ago
Lost Girl
Lost boys fanfic, will be multi-chapter fic.
Lost boys (Michael as well) x reader.
Watching them through your dream had you worried, most people have 1 or 2 soulmates. You believed 3 is the max amount recorded, yet here you are dreaming of 5 men, well if you can call guys in their 20's men.
Sitting up in bed, you peered over at your phone. It hadn't long stopped beeping its annoying tune, it's 7am and you had to hurry up and get ready for work. Rubbing your eyes you swing your legs over the side of the bed, you peer down at the 5 names written on your arm; Michael, David, Marko, Paul & Dwayne. Supposedly the order of names in when you will meet each of them.
You have yet to meet a single one of your soulmates, but you guessed that having only just had your birthday 2 weeks prior it wouldn't really give you much time to have met them anyway.
Walking out of your quaint little bedroom, you make your way over to the bathroom, stripping off you begin turning the knob on the shower toas hot as it can go, (which really is pitiful) the landlord still hasn't been and fixed it even though you had alerted him to the fact its been playing up since you had moved in when you'd turned 20. You guess you can't rush these things.
After you've gotten yourself ready, you set off to work, you've been working as a receptionist in a Library since you had turned 18. You had been to college and finished between the time of finishing high school and turning 21.
As you make your way through the busy town, you can't help but sigh seeing the various couples holding hands making their own ways to work. Every day you see it, heck you even see it with working in the library. You can't help but just wish that one day you'd meet your own soulmates.
The work day went quickly, answering phones, scanning books through which people came and dropped off, passing books onto those who placed them on the correct shelves.
There was a thunder storm wracking through the sky as you made your way home, you were not going to spend a fortune getting a taxi and get stuck in traffic just to go 7 streets over. just as your were rushing past a tree when an almighty bright light shot straight in front of you hitting the tree a massive crack was the last thing you heard and an almighty pain and didn't see again.
The first thing you heard was screams, and the second thing you noticed was the fact you were lying on a beach, you could feel the grains of sand underneath your fingers, peering down at yourself you were wearing the same clothes you had gone to work in, yet you were nowhere near home, the nearest beach was 200 miles away and you don't think you would have not noticed going in a car to get there. So where the hell were you.
Standing up brushing the sand off my clothes, I looked towards where I could make out some steps, I set off to see where the hell I had turned up.
As soon as I got to the steps I could see rides, people dressed like they were from the 80s and a lot of people running around. I stumbled forward heading towards a shop which I could see had a newspaper stand out front like I'd seen in American movies. I peer in and spot the year 1987, I stared in shock, I looked to the top corner, it said 'Santa Carla' I felt like I was going to throw up, I could feel myself getting light headed. I stumbled over to a bench and placed my head in my hands.
I had somehow ended up in America in the late 80s, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?
I peered around trying not to throw up, my brain was going a million miles a minute, how the hell had I gone back in time. The last thing I remembered was walking home in the thunder storm and seeing a bright light and then nothing.
I panic, feeling my chest, my arms trying to find burn marks, nothing appeared to be on me, 'I must have died' I couldn't help thinking. 'How else would I have ended up going back in time, to freaking America'. A sob escaped my lips, I couldn't believe this was really happening, I pinched myself sharply on the arm to double check I wasn't dreaming.
I stand up from the bench when I finally feel like my heart isn't going to beat out of my chest, I slowly walk down what appears to be some sort of boardwalk, I get towards the end and lean against some metal bars which over looked the sea. Wiping the tears from my face I start to worry about where I am going to sleep tonight, how I'm going to live.
A sharp pain slices through my arm, I look down at my arm, the name 'Michael' is practically glowing red'. Turning around I spot another person grabbing their arm in pain, his eyes meet my own, his head turns to look me in the eyes as he steps towards me, "Hi, I'm Michael," he says as he takes a tentative step towards me. You can tell he's nervous, hell; I'm nervous. I've just gone back in time, and now I'm meeting on of my soulmates?!
"Uhm, nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" I say stumbling over my words, I look him up and down, he's pretty; wild dark hair, dark eyes. He's beautiful. I can't help but feel plain while stood next to him.
He steps towards me, his hand caresses my arm, in the spot where my soulmate mark is, he looks towards my arm and spots the names written on there. A frown marred his features, he slowly takes in the names; his frown turns into a scowl. It makes his face seem to take a different look, his eyes seeming to yellow out of nowhere, which surely must be the light?
His fingers grasp my wrist bringing it closer to his face, he looks up at me, "I think you should come with me, y/n." he says as he looks around at his surroundings like he's expecting someone to jump out at any moment.
Chapter 2
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seireiteihellbutterfly · 1 year ago
Second Chance Sorcerer
Chapter 1 - Phantom Tokyo
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Summary: After surviving Mahito's Idle Transfiguration in the Shibuya Incident, Nanami finds himself in an unknown realm between life and death. Will he escape?
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Fem! reader
A/N: I can't believe I actually got around to writing this! *sobs*. I hope everyone does take the time to read it, and enjoys what I've created here. This will be a multi-chapter fic, quite different from the one-shots I've posted before. It was originally made with an OC, which can be read on my AO3 account, but all changes have been made to y/n here.
Thank you @actuallysaiyan for making the lovely title banner and for listening to me rant and giving me all the encouragement to finish this chapter. Everyone needs a cheerleader like you. 💜
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Nanami masterlist
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“You’ve got it from here…Itadori kun.”
Those were the last words Nanami remembers saying before Mahito’s Idle Transfiguration fragmented his soul into smithereens. All he felt was pain, gut-wrenching pain as his soul collapsed and rearranged itself, piece after piece trying various combinations of alignment, trying to come back into some semblance of a whole, like chromosomes after being hit with a lethal dose of radiation.
His eyes squeeze shut, senses overloading as he prepares to meet whatever awaits him on the other side. Would it be a lovely afterlife like he’d hoped? Filled with long days on the beach, reading the backlog of books he’d been holding off on? Laying in the sun, no work, no obligations, just doing whatever he wanted to his heart’s content? He felt warmth against his chest, a bright light emanating from it, and for a split second, it felt like someone was calling out to him, a very familiar voice…
And all of a sudden it stops. With a thump, he crumples on something solid, his side colliding with the surface. Was this it? Was he in the afterlife? Nanami hesitantly opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings.
At first, it appears like he’s landed on a sidewalk that wound deeply into a very gloomy and derelict-looking city. He could make out buildings, traffic lights, and little shops tucked away in between these larger structures, all of them looking abandoned or in various states of disuse. Not exactly what he’d hoped for. Was this actually the Great Beyond? 
Nanami pushes himself to his feet, relieved when he realizes he’s not in pain anymore. Had Mahito sent him to a separate contained domain? He squints, trying to find his bearings. There was no sunlight wherever he was, but the street lamps were lit along the length of the sidewalk, casting shadows along the way. He cautiously looks around. The place looks strangely familiar…
He grasps his weapon, the blade having still been in his hand when Mahito touched him, and advances down the road. As he walks, he realizes with a jolt that wherever he is appears to be a phantom of his neighborhood. He recognized this road now, as he had frequented it so often. Up ahead was the grocery store he would go to every Saturday. And right opposite it, a little cafe he would sometimes wander into for their lovely croissants and artisan coffee. The more he walked, the more he started piecing together a map of this area, astonished at what he was seeing. This certainly couldn’t be a domain expansion. There was far too much detail resembling the real world and, although the place gave a foreboding aura, seemed to be unoccupied except for himself. 
He stops in the middle of the sidewalk, lowers his weapon, and tries to think. Logic was telling him Mahito had sent him somewhere, perhaps a sealed space, rather than kill him outright. But if that was the case, why was he healed? His entire left side which had been covered with fatal burns was gone, the skin healed over like new, his eye regenerated, hair grown back. His clothes and shoes had somehow been restored to their original condition, his glasses back to their position on his face. 
Things weren’t adding up. He continued to walk, then came upon a library he remembered passing by in the real world but had never really paid attention to before. Deciding this was as good a spot as any to glean information about his whereabouts, he enters, squinting through the darkness. Lines and lines of shelves stood neatly arranged in the building. Nanami walks between the rows, pausing in between sections for a brief moment before continuing his perusing. 
He rounds the corner, then quickly presses his back against a bookshelf as he senses an unusual energy signature fading away from him. So he wasn’t alone, and the thought wasn’t comforting. The energy didn’t match a human or a sorcerer, so he had to assume it was a special-grade curse. After his interactions with Jogo and Mahito, he didn’t know what to expect in terms of its abilities. He was tempted to escape but knew he had nowhere to go. If he was trapped in this domain what hope was there to escape this odd being he was sensing?
Raising the clothed blade with its polka dot pattern, he follows the energy steadily, not daring to breathe too loudly as he advances. It moves stealthily and silently, as though trying to elude him. This makes him immediately wary, sensing he could be getting lured into a trap. He follows at a distance, then stops as he comes to a reading section, the area cleared out and decorated with little chairs, poufs, and tables. Struggling to see in the dim light, he moves into the open, instincts screaming that he’s making a mistake. He pauses, trying to sense the energy again.
“It’s rude to chase one with a weapon you know.” A voice says from directly behind him. Nanami startles and spins around to face his pursuant, arms immediately coming before him to block an impending attack. Upon seeing the sight before him, his gaze fills with both fear and wonder, the being in front of him a vision of amazement. 
All he sees at first are a pair of piercing silver eyes that seem to probe the very depths of his soul. There’s a quiet insightfulness to them like he was looking into the eyes of an old friend, yet an unsettling intensity that made him feel apprehensive. The being appeared to lack a shape, but as Nanami took another step back, the light from the street lamps showed it to be made of wisps of black shadowy mist, neither fluid nor gas, swirling endlessly around it. 
Something within him tells him he shouldn’t fear this creature, yet all instincts were telling him to charge the attack before it got to him first. They stood, staring at each other through the dimness, before Nanami gathered his courage and asked, “What are you? A curse?”
The being huffs, as if it was an impertinent question. “What am I…Who am I…The question has been asked for centuries. Yet, even I do not have an appropriate answer…But I am most definitely not a curse.”
It glides silently over the floor, and Nanami instinctively raises his weapon. The being appears to look amused, based on the way those intense silver eyes glowed. “Put away your blade, Nanami Kento. The things I could have done to you once you entered my realm can’t be defended against by you, or even a special-grade sorcerer for that matter. I doubt even Ryomen Sukuna would stand a chance against me.” The smoky form billows, ebbing and flowing as it circles him. 
Not entirely reassured, Nanami puts his weapon back in the holder of his suspenders. There’s an odd feeling of reverence despite the eerie nature of the being. 
“I am what they call The Mediator, The One Before Death, or The Spectator.” It answers his question. 
“And where am I?” Nanami asks the shadow. 
“You are in between worlds, Nanami Kento.”
“In between worlds?” The blonde man repeated skeptically. Did such a thing exist? He had never given death much thought (beyond the dying part), and always assumed it was like being asleep one moment and waking up in paradise the next. To be in between worlds…had Mahito somehow just locked him away in another dimension that was a bleak version of his neighborhood? 
“So…am I…alive? But in another dimension?”
The Mediator looked at him thoughtfully, as though wondering how best to explain to him. “You are alive for now. But you definitely died, otherwise you wouldn’t have ended up here in my realm.”
“I died, and came back to life?” The sorcerer frowned at the obscureness with which this said. “That makes no sense. People don’t just arbitrarily resurrect from the dead. I was severely weakened. My soul was unprotected. Mahito’s attack should have killed me.”
“It did. However, something at that moment reversed the attack and restored the various fragments your soul had shattered into.”
Disbelievingly, Nanami started running his hands over his torso as though trying to find evidence that he had died. It was just…fantastical…impossible…He had survived Mahito’s attack? What divine intervention could have possibly saved him from something so deadly? As his fingers near his wrist, they brush over a small chain, hidden under the cuff of his shirt. He quickly undoes the button and looks incredulously at the small charm, an Aum symbol, dangling from the chain. 
“Y/n…” he murmurs her name softly. His apprentice. He now remembers her fastening one of these to not just him but to Ino and Itadori as well before they were deployed to Shibuya. 
“That’s probably what saved you,” the being said evidently, interrupting Nanami’s thoughts. “Whatever that is, it was imbued with a heavy concentration of neutralized curse energy. So when you died from the attack, that charm activated and repaired your soul.”
Nanami absently fingered the charm, trying to think. Y/n’s ability to neutralize cursed energy had improved immensely under his tutelage, he knew that, but he hadn’t imagined it to this extent. Her other ability included being able to manipulate any cursed energy she neutralized into forms of heat, summoning flames on her palms that towered at least  20 feet tall. How she had imbued the energy into the charm was anyone’s guess. 
“And I’m in between worlds.” He repeats again, trying to make sure he’s not misunderstanding the conversation.
“Indeed. Think of this as your own personal purgatory.” Those silver eyes bore into him like moons against a black sky, waiting to see his reaction.
Purgatory. Nanami pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose, unable to fathom how insane this sounded. “I thought purgatory was for people who needed to be redeemed.”
“It is usually. But in your case, it looks like the veil partitioning the worlds got confused, seeing as how you left one dead, and then suddenly became alive in another. Death probably couldn’t figure out what to do with you so it sent you here instead.”
“So I’m stuck here?”
Despite the miraculousness of it all, Nanami couldn’t help but feel a twinge of irritation. He had been prepared for death for several years now. So much to the point that he had a will drafted, signed, and sealed, declaring all his possessions to be donated to charity since he had no other family or next of kin. A copy of the keys to his house had been entrusted to the lawyer who had helped draft the will. He had all his affairs set in order with the expectation that his death would be sudden and he was unwilling to burden anyone to deal with the repercussions. 
He had known he would die in the line of duty. He had accepted his fate the moment Mahito had laid a hand on him in the underground, welcoming death as a tranquil friend. His whole life had been struggle after struggle, a gamble, clawing his way to stay alive. All he could say was that he had been lucky so far. There had to be a moment when that luck ran out. He had been dreaming of knowing peace and death seemed to be the only option for that. 
“Does it bother you, that you are alive?” The purgatory being asks him curiously, noting his less-than-happy expression. “Most would rejoice at this second chance for life.”
The question hits Nanami with a gravity he hadn’t been expecting. “Most people haven’t lived my life. I’ve done enough. I’m tired. I’ve earned the right to a peaceful death.”
“And yet, it looks like someone desperately wanted you to live.” Those hypnotic eyes wander over to the charm dangling on his wrist. “Is that not reason enough? To not want to die?”
Disturbed by the notion, Nanami grips the charm. Y/n’s energy had kept him alive, unwittingly preventing him from moving on into the afterlife. Whether that had been her intent was debatable. Her desperately wanting him to live? It just didn’t seem likely to him. Sure, perhaps she didn’t want him to die in the way that people didn’t want others to die in general. But beyond that? He couldn’t fathom her being so consumed by the thought of his death that she would create a charm that essentially kept him alive after having his soul damaged to what should have been a point beyond repair. 
Y/n had a late start in her career as a sorceress, and certain concepts about it seemed to stymie her, more typically seen in a younger student than someone her age. He had repeatedly told her to not worry about him when he took her on missions, to value her life more than his. He drilled it into her head when he taught her self-defense, that if there was an opportunity to escape she should take it, the hand-to-hand combat sometimes leaving bruises on her skin because she’d been unwilling to take a shot at him. It always pained him when that happened, marking her, leaving those unsavory blemishes on her but how else was she going to learn that fairness wasn’t something that existed in Jujutsu? Her willingness to get a little scuffed up if it meant protecting him from a curse irked him. She was rather like a kitten unwilling to be shooed away from a reluctant petter. His lips curled wryly as he imagined her expression if she ever heard that comparison out loud. 
‘Don’t be so cruel Nanami san!’ She’d probably say, those large (color) eyes looking at him reproachfully. And for a moment, his mind’s eye couldn’t picture anything else except that; those large (color) eyes, and the shock in them when he told her that he didn’t think he’d live very long. She hadn’t said anything to convince him his mindset was wrong, but she did look like he had betrayed her by expressing his very honest and logical opinion. As though he had broken an oath to her by not saying he wanted to live long and prosper. 
Nanami gives himself a mental shake. This wasn't the time to be thinking about Y/ni's opinion on his death. The bigger task at hand now was figuring out what to do about his imprisonment in purgatory. 
All the while, the shadow hadn’t wavered and had merely continued to look at him work through his inner monologue. Realizing that Nanami had reached a limit, it said, “No, you are not stuck here. At least, not for very long.”
The sorcerer’s head snaps up at those words, eyes narrowing behind the green glass of his frames. “What do you mean, not very long?”
“Well, the neutralized energy imbued into that charm? It’s not infinitely going to remain contained in that. The seal broke when it saved your life, and it’s essentially trickling out little particles of it. It will run out at some point, although it’s difficult to say when that is.”
“And when it does run out?”
“You’ll die.” The being says simply. “And move on into the next realm. That’s the way purgatory is supposed to work. Cleanse you to be fit to live in the realm of death.” 
“And it’s unknown when that will happen?”
The shadow appears to ponder his question before offering a hesitant guess. “A few days, maybe 4 or 5 at maximum, based on the energy intensity that it's currently emitting.”
“And what am I to do for 4 to 5 days here?” Nanami gestures around the gloomy library, obviously not impressed with this arrangement. These extra days before his impending death somehow made a vein pop in his forehead. It was like a pre-death before the actual one.
“Well, you must have noticed by now that this is the neighborhood you used to live in. You are free to wander around here and experience your old life one last time. You can visit your apartment, take the subway and wander around the Jujutsu High campus, or watch a movie in the theater.” The shadow suggested, sounding like a pleasant tour guide for the afterlife. “Think of it as a vacation before your death.”
It struck Nanami as a little absurd but he strokes his chin, considering. “And that’s my only option? To experience my old life before dying?”
“It’s not the only option. You could go back and live.”
A pregnant pause hangs in the air at those words. Nanami’s eyes widen at the thought. He could go back to the land of the living? He hadn’t even considered that as an option. He only had death on his mind. Thoughts of living on a beach, days filled with no responsibility still flickered through his mind but at the same time…
“What is it about life that makes you so hesitant?” The purgatory being asks him inquisitively. 
Nanami opens his mouth but no words come out. Had he been thinking about how to escape his situation that all he had ever thought about was dying? It wasn’t unexpected of him. He had learned so long ago that life was mostly shit, with a few moments of relief folded in. At least it was for curse users. He remembers seeing all the people he knew die, how he had tried to escape from Jujutsu, only to be sucked back in because he knew he didn’t fit in anywhere else. When faced with the choice of remaining in a job of corporate greed, or one that endangered his life but was somewhat altruistic, the choice became apparent. He had returned to Jujutsu. Not entirely selflessly, but with the idea that it was the quicker way out of his misery. 
“Is there nothing you would like to return to?” The shadow presses. “Remember that you are a very rare case. Hardly anyone ends up in purgatory under your circumstances. I would hate to see a life go to waste because you don’t know what to do with it.”
A sudden memory comes into Nanami’s mind. A day of unexpected frivolity, when Y/n, Yuji, and Ino had convinced him to come along to an amusement park. It was an odd day but to his surprise, he hadn't hated it. Y/n had mostly stayed away from the roller-coasters, leaving it to Yuji and Ino, wandering with Nanami to the food stalls, closer in age to him than she was to the boys. It was a strange feeling of domesticity he had never experienced before, almost like they were a hodgepodge family of misfits. It was the closest thing he had experienced to a normal day in a long time. 
But days like that were rare. They were like sprinkles on top of ice cream. People could never have more sprinkles than ice cream. Life just didn't work that way. However, Nanami found himself contemplating his choices. Perhaps he had been so jaded that he thought life was wading through ice cream instead of appreciating the sprinkles? And here he was dreaming about sprinkles when he was stuck in purgatory. 
He sighs and shakes his head. “If I did go back, would it make a difference?” He asks doubtfully. 
The being’s eyes crinkle warmly, almost like it's smiling. “To one person, yes. And isn't that more than enough?”
The charm swings from his wrist like a pendulum. He considers the shadow’s words and feels his heart clench uncomfortably. The stakes almost felt too high, wagering his return to life on the chance that it would make a difference to Y/n. Well, maybe not just her. He frowns as he feels the energy in the trinket resonate for a brief moment when he thinks of her, as though it was trying to convince him to make the gamble. He had never quite paid attention to her energy signature before now, so concentrated within the tiny object; it felt like a warm cup of coffee on a lazy Saturday morning. He feels disconcerted that he could sense this now and it was making him want to change his mind about dying. He sighed deeply, feeling his resolve begin to solidify, even though it felt like he was making the wrong choice. 
“How do I get out of here?” 
The shadow has no features except its eyes, but if Nanami could assign it an expression, it would have to be triumph.  
“I’m so glad you asked.” It appraisingly looks at him, before continuing. “Perhaps you might want to let the lady know you’re alive.”
“Must I?” Nanami asks with a hint of exasperation. 
The shadow looks amused but continues in an even tone. “I’m afraid I must insist. It's better to give people a warning when you’re coming back from the dead. Prepares them for the prospect of seeing you again. Trust me, it’s better that way.”
“And how do I do that?” 
It merely continues to look at him with that amused expression and Nanami almost lets out a growl of frustration. “Listen. I died. Then I was told I wasn’t dead, but I’ll die soon. Then I changed my mind and decided I wanted to live. The least you can do is tell me how to get a message out of here.”
The purgatory being laughs; it’s an eerie noise, yet had all the comfort of a long-lost friend. “Very well 7:3 Sorcerer. It’s simple really. To send a message out of here, all you need to do is blend your cursed energy with the cursed energy of the person you’re thinking about going back to life for. Imbue this energy into a small object which will then find a way to its recipient.”
The elementary way this was said nearly cracks his temper. “Is that all?” He asks, unable to keep the bite of sarcasm out of his voice. 
The shadow chuckles at this, adding to his ire. “It really is. Just try focusing on something other than your disappointment of not dying today.” 
Nanami takes a deep breath and exhales through his nose trying to keep his composure. “A small object…” His hand grips the handle of his blade and pulls it out, eyeing it carefully. The whole blade wouldn’t make it. He just automatically knew it. But he wanted to make sure Y/n would recognize the message was from him. He fidgets with the blade, thinking, and then by accident, the edge of it comes in contact with the Aum charm. 
The blend of energy that shoots through him was a shock; a mix of the warm coffee on Saturday mornings, coupled with the calculated preciseness of a seasoned Q-grader who assessed those coffee beans. The polka dots spattered all over the cloth wrapping the weapon glowed at the edges for a brief second before the blade lost contact with the charm. 
Nanami observed the whole process with fascination. Dormant instinct took over him, and he moved his hand so that the charm now swung over the blade. Focusing on that combined energy signature, he purposefully touches the charm to the blade. Y/n’s neutralized curse energy flows into the blade, and he feels his own beginning to fuse with it. He concentrates on his ratio technique, and with a flash, all the polka dots lift off the blade, glowing with a pale sea foam green aura. 
“Find her,” he whispers to the dots, and in a hazy glow, they vanish. 
Nanami watches, as though in a daze, unable to believe what had just happened. He turns to look at the purgatory being.
“Message sent. Now, how do I get out of here?”
The shadow being had been looking at the spot where the polka dots had vanished. It swirls around and looks at him in the eyes. 
“By facing your deepest regrets.”
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Animated lines and support banner by @cafekitsune
If you don't wish to be tagged anymore, please DM me, or if you only want to be tagged for certain posts, fill out the form here. I only tag for SFW posts atm.
@bleach-your-panties @bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @grimmjowssoulmate-blog @j-u-u-z-o @brittscafe @keiva1000 @buttercupbitches @vee33ee @cindyneko-strider @dreaming-about-seireitei @quinnyundertow @naoyagasm @sitarawrites @sehunaeri @kentosgirlie @strawberrymuffinlovin @ickkck-09 @connorsui @arabidp0ssum @teasore @un-aesthetic @jadedjane @harlekin6
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thighzp · 2 months ago
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2024 Year In Review
Thank you to @0npurpose and everyone else who has tagged me in many variations of the 2024 year in review! Here's a wrap up of all my writing this year!
My details
My AO3: fullerthanskippy My fandom: Red, White & Royal Blue Total number of completed works for 2024: 52 Total word count for 2024: 107,590 (holy shit) Total hits for 2024: 151,546 Total kudos for 2024: 9,942 (AGAIN I beg you all to leave kudos!)
most popular by kudos: working overtime | 624 kudos
most popular by comments: young & hung | 24 comment threads least popular by kudos: tender | 52 kudos (only 240 words so I get it lol) least popular by comments: shower drain | 0 comments (there really isn't much to say, again, I get it! lol)
longest oneshot: running from the daylight | 11,372 words oneshot I'm most proud of: Artie | for obvious reasons most fun oneshot to write: better bite the bullet (baby take one for the team) | I had sooooo much fun writing the gun kink and I still want to revisit it in the future hardest oneshot to write: broke down or stranger things have happened | these are two I specifically remember during kinktober having to force myself to get the words out (that happens sometimes!) favourite title used: tough choice but if I have to choose one I'll go with | the mess that is Alex
Bonus …
Most unserious title: i'm having his baby (no i'm not but you should see your faces) | also longest title ever lmao
my first multichap will be coming to you live in 2025 ;)
Events or challenges | Kinktober & RWRB Festive Fan Fest
Did you write more or less fic than you expected this year? | way, WAY more!!!
Did you take any writing risks this year? | so many, let's see just for a few examples: wlw, fisting, puppy play, piss kink, somno, gun kink, omegaverse, I mean I could continue on and on
What was the most challenging fic to write this year? | hands down running from the daylight (vampire alex AU), I started teasing it before I even started writing it and then I felt pressured to hurry up and get it out. not by any of y'all, but by myself. it's 11k words and I'm proud of it, but it shaped me into a much better writer for the multichap I'm currently working on!
What was your favourite fic to write? | probably wearing nothing but glitter and lashes because it was inspired by a huuuuge irl crush of mine and a very loosely based real life experience lol
Biggest success | kinktober IN GENERAL
Most surprising success | young & hung!!! I mean I loved writing it but I couldn't believe people were eating it upppppp
Biggest disappointment | I mean... (the things i do) when i picture you but it's not a surprise at all lol it's junora and if it's not firstprince, it just doesn't hit the same. also not surprised that two things can be true (taynick rpf) didn't do crazy numbers, people are touchy about it
Most surprising disappointment | none are really that surprising cause I usually know when it's not gonna hit for everyone, but I guess I'll say I expected know your audience to do better! I think people didn't like the twist or didn't believe it from the start?
What's something you learned about yourself as a writer? | I learned that PWP IS NOT MY STRONGSUIT!!! I need the buildup and that's where my rambling tends to happen lmfao
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? | obviously vampire alex au I'm feeling like a broken record, and I'll also add finishing kinktober is like... still so insane to me!
Fic that gave you the most trouble? | two that I just needed external inspo for because the words weren't wording were riding practice and mile high (these ideas were greatly helped by @judasofsuburbia lol thank you love)
Easiest fic to write? | suburban legends, one of my earlies fics and the words came easily in that little universe
Go to writing songs | I love having inspo playlists but I can't actually listen to music with words while writing, I'm too adhd/dyslexic for that
Go to writing snacks | usually coffee or red wine hehe
Any writing goals for next year? | only goal really is to finish and post my first multichap which is definitely going to happen!!! and otherwise I think just focusing on writing what I want to read/what inspires me and worry less about what will do numbers
Any fics in the work for next year? | of course! perhaps I'll give some insight into my current WIPs (even some y'all don't know about yet?)
age gap AU (multichap) neighbors/laundry AU young & hung sequel trans alex PWP a fic involving alex/martha as propositioned by henry/pip.... kink related age regression henry wetfic (and I bet y'all fuckin wish you knew what this one was about mwuahahaha)
it's been a crazy year. I want to thank @redlipstickandglitter and @firstprincehornyramblings for being my fucking MUSES, my EVERYTHING both when it comes to help/ideas with writing, as well as just wonderful fucking friends.
y'all have provided me so many spoons this year, and believe me, lately they've been mighty hard to come by! here's to even more words written in 2025! (but probably not... I'll probably never do kinktober again lmfao)
open tag for any writer friends who haven't done this yet! I'm serious - don't wait to be tagged, just tag me!!
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 2 months ago
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Well. This is better late than never, because time is a construct, right? Thank you for the tags @clockwrkpendrxgon, @bitbybitwrites, @0npurpose, @porcelainmortal, @onthewaytosomewhere,
@run-for-chamo-miles, @firenati0n, @kiwiana-writes, @cha-melodius, and @stereopticons.
I've actually never done one of these for any fandom before. But I am so grateful for each and every one of you that has read, commented, left kudos, tagged me in tag games, and reblogged/lost your minds over snippets. 💙
My details:
My ao3: blueeyedgrlwrites
My fandom: Red, White & Royal Blue
Total no. of fics in 2024: 5
Total word count: 47,796
Oneshots (4):
🖋️ love is all around, look and see: (8,915 words, E)
A 5 + 1 full of birthday fluff (and smut, of course) that @violetbaudelaire-quagmire and I co-wrote last year for @getmehighonmagic's birthday, because Angel goes feral for loves reading about Henry getting all the love he deserves.
🖋️ just the way you are: (2,061 words, E)
My one and only foray into TayNick RPF, which I know is not for everyone, and that's fine. Curate your fandom experience and all that.
HOWEVER, as all the BTS for Mary & George was coming out and that bit of Nick saying he couldn't eat pizza because he had to spend all his time naked came around and .... well this is what my brain did after that. 😅
🖋️ summer sun, something's begun: (5,966 words, E)
I'm trying to remember how this one even came around. Probably a convo in the discord or something, but this might have been the most fun I've ever had writing a fic. And honestly, that feels about right for hot dad Henry and his new neighbor Alex.
🖋️ A New Memory: (1,304 words, T)
I was so ambitious for that week's ficlet Friday. I got a few prompts that week, and this was, sadly, the only one my brain was actually able to crank out.
Multi-Chapters (1):
🖋️ (the only truth) everything comes back to you: (29,550 posted words, WIP, E)
Yeah, so I totally failed the whole finishing the fic for the big bang thing, but it is 70% posted and 95% written (I think), but there will be an update soon-ish. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, this has owned me since I first heard "You're Losing Me" and that song became my hyper fixation for an entire month, because my mind was like, "huh? what would it look like if Henry and Alex had started to grow apart? would they be able to grow back together again?" and well, you should probably read to find out.
Upcoming fics:
🖋️ Love on the Fly: my hockey fic (i can't believe it's been almost a year since i posted a snippet from it. damn).
🖋️ lay me down, give me something to feel: or, the Pretty Woman AU that no one asked for
🖋️ when you didn't have to: my single dad Alex fic that wants to take over my entire existence and I won't let it until the RBB is finished.
Hopefully there will be more than just these three that are upcoming. My hope for 2025 is to be able to break away from my current, soul-sucking corporate job and give myself more freedom and time to take on things I actually enjoy. Who knows, maybe I'll finally write an original novel also.
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laura1633 · 2 months ago
There is no way this person isn’t intentionally trying to upset you. I refuse to believe someone is sincerely being this rude, awful, and entitled.
The vast majority of us appreciate you and look forward to what you post when you can post it. I’m sorry that a very small number of people, or just one person, is ruining your day.
Thank you so much 🥰, I really do appreciate most people on this site.
I wasn't sure what to make of it initially. If I were charging a service then I may understand people being disappointed but it's just my Tumblr where I talk randomly about things and my ao3 where I upload stuff for free. People can very easily block me and not engage if they find it annoying how long some ideas take to actually be realised in writing.
When I say I am writing something it means I am writing it, it doesn't mean it's going to be uploaded shortly. In fact there are certain wips (for example, my sugar daddy Charles one) that are part finished and in the past I would have uploaded what I had written but I have stopped posting multi chapters until they are finished because a small minority of people get upset if its not updated regularly enough so I feel like I can't post until its all done!! Sometimes ideas just take a long time or stall for a while but they get done eventually.
I think unfortunately it is multiple people but I am just blocking and moving on and I would encourage anyone who is upset by my speed of updating or posting fics just block me. I don't say that to be harsh, I just think it would be better all around as stop people getting stressed over what I do!
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hearteyespierce · 3 months ago
2 and 30 for the 2024 in review asks!
Thanks for the ask!!
2. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year?
Not sure if this counts, but I did my first multi-fandom exchange this year for the Rare Pair Exchange, and while I did get to do my main gift for the fandom I signed up for, I did my first ever pinch hit and it was for a fandom I wasn't a part of (a book series I have read, just not involved in the fandom side of it). While I prefer to write for fandoms that I'm excited about, it was a really interesting challenge, and I was so pleased that my pinch hit giftee loved it!!
Alternatively, I tried doing some shorter fics. I struggle with brevity - I always need to have everything explained/get into a lot of detail/my plots tend to get very complicated and involved, and so my fics always either end up very long or they languish unfinished in my wip folder. So I tried a couple very short fics, intentionally aiming to keep them short/limited to one scene, and it was an interesting experience! I think I have more fun with the long, complicated plots, but the mini fics do give a nice little boost/that sense of accomplishment of "finishing" something, which is really nice!!
30. What would you like to write next year?
I have SO many wips and/or ideas that I want to get off the ground, but here's the ones I am most excited about in no particular order: For DGHDA:
Continue the Pushing Daisies AU - idk if people are still interested, but I had a lot of fun making the intro to the series for the Big Bang and I have a lot of plans for where I want to take things!
Hanahaki AU - I've had this wip in progress for like 2 years now and I've written the first ~2ish chapters. I have about 8 others planned and I've been kind of struggling with the first ~4-5 chapters following the plot of S2 and worrying that I'm having a hard time striking that balance of following S2 without feeling like a boring rehash, if that makes sense? I'd really love to finish it and get it published though. I've done some worldbuilding with the trope to fit it into the canon of DGHDA in (what I think is) an interesting/believable way, and I'm excited to share it with y'all!
Hawkahy Slowburn Longfic - I wrote what was supposed to be a PWP oneshot this year but then (see aforementioned allergy to brevity) my brain decided it needed a very long slowburn to lead up to and then also decided it had an angsty end which means I now have to extend it further afterwards too to get them to a happy ending lmao. But I'm very excited about the porn I wrote lmfao so I'm hoping to get the rest of the longfic written so I can publish it all next year!
Hawkahy Taking The Fifth Oneshot - Basically that episode but where Mulcahy is the person behind "Chastity's" note. Another WIP that I've had going for about 6-8 months lmao. This one shouldn't be too hard to finish I just need to focus some time on it.
Beejhawk Queer Club Angst - This is actually one of the first fic ideas I had when I joined the fandom and someday I'll write it lmao. Basically post-war Beejhawk, they go to a gay club and it gets raided by the police. Will have a positive ending bc I can't do angst with no happy or at least hopeful ending, but the whole idea was heavily influenced by my favorite book of all time, Stone Butch Blues, and I want to reread it before I dig into that fic.
Sidhawk San Francisco AU - This is a fic that @siriusnebulae and I spent some time plotting this year with the intention of co-writing and I'd love to get back to it! Won't get into too many details since it's not just mine, but it's a canon-divergence where they meet post war instead of during it and I'm very excited about it!
There are more but those are just a few that I'm particularly excited about!
2024 In Review Fic Asks
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12thhouse-sun · 1 month ago
20 (for axioms), 22, 30?
Fanfic/Author Ask Game!
20) Share your favorite kiss scene from Axioms. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
Axioms is allllll romance baybee but honestly my favorite is an offpage kiss. The evening is full of anticipation as Gale cooks dinner for the two of them and Gale's mind is awash with feelings of "I can't believe she likes me, desires me." And one of the things he recalls while cooking is at their previous date is him and Poppy making out against her car.
Even just a few nights ago at the end of their previous date, Gale found himself snogging her against her car, all hot breath and frantic hands, in public. Mystra would have never, even when their relationship was finally out in the open, even when they were long-married. He’s barely known Poppy a month and she’s shown him more affection than Mystra had in their 15 year-long relationship. He told her as much, feeling awfully raw and vulnerable after being so thoroughly kissed by her and she replied with a resolute, “Then clearly you need to make up for lost time,” before kissing him once more.
This scene is actually written out as I thought I'd use it for something else but I thought that it being used as a memory was quite poignant esp when half of this fic is just the buildup to these two fucking for the first time.
22) Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
I usually just post it, then share it in the discord (and if people are awake/available, revel in the live comments about what they're reading lmao.) But I don't think so! Maybe once I finish some of the multi-chapter fics I have going on I'll do something. Finishing you're at the top of my lungs feels champagne-worthy lmao.
30) Have you noticed your style change over time?
I don't know if I can even pinpoint my style, that's a sort of thing I have blinders on. I've definitely improved in the (almost!) year I've been writing and posting fic. I've pinned down Gale's voice. But style? Not sure.
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starry-nights-17 · 2 months ago
Thank you @blue-disco-lights for the tag.
Can't believe that year has passed; in the blink of an eye. But what a year it's been for me, so many ups and downs. My health was a struggle at times but writing always got me through. On the flip side however, I've made so many amazing new friends and found this online community which has been so welcoming. And, in addition to all of that, I actually got to meet I&M in real life, our lovely Cam and Noel. A dream come true. Here's to hoping next year can beat that (unlikely lol)
1. How many words have you written this year? 560k according to Ao3, which is absolutely nuts. Plus I started writing drabbles a few months back too.
2. How many works did you publish this year? 19
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits) probably "In the Fade" because it was my first time writing in the alpha/omega genre which I literally had only discovered a few months previous. And I'm pretty pleased with the result.
4. What work of yours has the most hits? Parachutes, nearing 15k which is amazing. (TY!)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? "You've Been Served", that one comes to mind because it was just a funny, smutty piece but seems very popular.
6. Favorite title you used. I hate trying to come up with titles and still cringe at many of them. I often use songs; either directly borrowing or inspired by them. So I'll pick my first ever work, "Safe & Sound" because it's cheesy but works and is a direct reference to Mickey's favourite artist, Taylor Swift. But also, I kinda like "Circles" for its simplicity.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? oh wow, well I use music a lot; even wrote an entire fic based around one particular artist. But I have used Taylor Swift a few times, Bon Jovi too and Katy Perry. All direct throwbacks to the show of course.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Ian & Mickey
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Ian and Mickey, shockingly. Though I just wrote a story where Lip and Mickey are friends and really enjoyed that.
10. What work was the quickest to write? I remember writing "Sweet Like Chocolate" in one afternoon, around Easter time. A recent one, "Jingle My Bells" was quick too because I'd written a drabble first and just elaborated on the existing idea then.
11. What work took you the longest to write? think "Parachutes" is my longest but "Footprints In The Snow" took some time because I had quite a lot of research to do on snow/winter sports and stuff like that.
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? technically none cos I can't work on multiple fics at a time. I always finish one before moving to the next. But my to-do list is never ending and I've enough ideas jotted down to last a couple of years!
13. What’s your longest work of the year? Parachutes (83k)
14. What’s your shortest work of the year? Shots Fired (just under 3k)
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? about to start a new multi chapter fic which also came out of a drabble I wrote. Features architect Mickey and secretary/admin Ian. A total smut fest. Watch this space!
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? smut and fluff. 100% lol.
17. Your favorite character to write this year? Mickey is my favourite overall. Love writing his sassy, smart mouth but equally adore writing his softer side. I generally write both his and Ian's pov. This year I wrote my first multi pov story though, featuring all the Gallagher siblings which was a bit of a challenge but fun. Especially enjoyed switching into Carls head. Oh and have to mention Iggy too, love him so much!
18. The character who gave you the most trouble writing this year? I've stayed away from writing Fiona the most because I think I'd struggle more with her character. Also wrote an original teenage character (male) so that was definitely a challenge.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? I recently wrote Lip and Mickey as friends and that was really nice so I'd like to explore that more. Maybe Tami and Mickey too.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? Probably "Against The Grain" cos I've an extra soft spot for it. It was like my love letter to Chicago, which I visited for Lollapalooza. Also I just love Newton Faulkner, who's music I used as the "originals" (for Ian). And I had some really sweet feedback on it which almost had me in tears at one point.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year? 3,201. Absolutely amazing, thank you all!
22. Which work has the most comments? "Footprints In The Snow". Thank you again!
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year? no, I'm only new to the extended community and getting involved in challenges, tumblr etc. I do get ideas and help from my circle of friends though and would be lost without their support. 
24. Did you write any gifts this year? not specifically but have written some fics with particular people in mind who would be mentioned in the notes at the end.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
I received the most amazing surprise gift ever, original artwork for "Circles", from the incredible @sweetperversiongirl It's beautiful and a true honor.
26. What’s your most common category/trope? flirting, banter, smut, fluff. I do write sexy stuff but always try to balance out with emotional/romantic stuff. I also write them as "idiots in love" quite a lot, either in denial at first and falling in love or as happy husbands in the post s11 world.
27. What do you listen to while writing? nothing, I'd get too distracted otherwise. Sometimes my dog snoring though!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year? probably "Parachutes"
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? Can't really think off-hand so I'll just go with the last lines of my most recent work, "This Could Be Our Year", considering its pretty apt.
(Spoiler Alert lol)
"That was the thing though, the endless possibilities. The future was theirs and no matter what happened, Ian could be certain of one thing, it would be beautiful.
“You know Mick,” he whispered into the darkness, as they lay together for the last time in that bed, “I think this is gonna be our year”.  
Mickey’s head tilted back towards him, the contented smile on his face becoming visible now.  
“Well it’s about damn time Red”.  
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? that I could actually write a longer story that was almost completely smut free!
(I think literally everyone I know or who exists on here is already tagged, so hence no tags).
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backtothestart02 · 11 months ago
I got (honorable) tagged by the wonderful @theartofdreaming1- thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? - 321
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,322,068 words (at the moment)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still writing for The Flash, but every once in a while a new show/movie grabs my fancy and I write a few fics for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
An unimpressive bunch but here goes: Muse (456), Replacement Scrunchie (393), Fallen Star (357), Inconvenient Inspiration (343), and Drabbles (277). Muse is a handful of one-shots based solely off spoilers before I saw the eps they were for. Replacement Scrunchie is my sole fic for the TATBILB fandom about Peter & LJ's first date (which was way less impressive than what the sequel movie gave us, WOW). Fallen Star is my most popular westallen fic to date, so that one's actually not too surprising. But both Inconvenient Inspiration and Drabbles are requested (the latter) and spontaneous (the former) brainstorming ficlets and snippets for The Flash/WA. Bo-ring.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, gosh, I have so many unfinished fics that it's hard to remember the complete ones that I finished that didn't end so happy, of which there aren't many. Maybe...Breaking Point though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All the others have happy endings. Go read them. Lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
When I wrote for another fandom I did, but not really in The Flash fandom, which is nice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. And uh...descriptive, I guess? I'm def not the best out there, but I do my best and for the most part smut-lovers seem to enjoy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've attempted a couple crossovers, but I haven't completed any or gotten far with them, usually because there wasn't an audience for it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, I discovered a whole bunch on another website years ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In the process of it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Stuck on Westallen atm, but I used to write Chair, and I was highly obsessed with them as well.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, I have SO MANY WIPs. One that I really want to finish but fear I won't though has got to be He's MY Barry Allen. I'm just stuck on what the next chapter will look like, and as of yet no one has come forward with a solution. Lol. The Problem is Tony Woodward is another one like that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I can hook people into my fics fairly well and drop enough cliffies to keep them coming back for more. But ofc the smut helps too. Most of my fics include at least some smut, even a single scene.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I have trouble making a chapter (or a scene for that matter) all that long. I've seen people write like 10k+ for a chap, and unless I'm crazy inspired, roughly 1-3k is what you're getting.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I actually dabbled in this a little bit for a westallen fic where Iris was learning Italian, I think? I did some research and managed to sift in enough for that one-shot, but I can't imagine I'd do it repeatedly or for a multi-chap.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I believe it was the STAR WARS prequels, but it might've been The Day After Tomorrow.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's unfinished, but there's so much untapped potential in my Flashpoint fic. Lots of world-building that's present as it rides the line between canon divergent and AU. Hopefully one day I'll get back to it.
As much as I'd love to tag a bunch of people, I can't recall anyone who still writes fic that I follow on here, so I'll just shout out my bestie @simplylove101 who is prob done with writing but may want to answer these questions either way!
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lovova · 1 year ago
I see artists doing little showcasings of what they've accomplished creatively in the last year, decided that looks fun, and decided I'd do for myself an little inventory of what I've written in the last year as well, based on archive posts and what I can recall (I specify 'what I can recall', because I was not keeping track of when I did or did not update my main fanfic "Video Game Cruelty Potential" so...guestimates for that fic! I have 36 chapters, I can probably guess it was updated at least every other month) ~ So! For 2023: January: Did a fan-fanfic for my friend Lex called "The Other Rooms" where I explored off-scene implications of his cool-ass fic Room No.5 February: Created an alternate version of VGCP called "VGCP: Characters at their best" where I tried to explore some of the chars in the same setting being more well adjusted. I haven't gotten very far in it, but I am determined to get back to it this year! Also probably updated VGCP March: Did two short Kaito stories, an Oumota called "Playing with Phobias" where Kokichi messes with Kaito and a Saimota called "Luminary Hero of the Track Field" where Shuichi worries over Kaito's enthusiasm to sports while sick. April: Started what was MEANT to be a multi-chaptered Homestuck!V3 Kaito fic called "The Devotion of the Luminary of Skaia", but I haven't gone back yet to figure out what happens next yet. Thinking about it now, I think I was to make it a three chapter fic, but I just need to save some space to go back and outline it someday. VGCP? Maybe? May: A short Oumota piece called "Carnation: Please Handle Gently" that I got some awesome art commissioned for by the incredibly talented Ere. This short story inspired me so much that I'm actually basing a new original novel on the same concept~
June: I (believe) this was the month I finished Kaiden! An omegaverse original story I was writing and posting to Kindlevella. I am super proud of finishing that piece, and while I want to go back and create a more refined second draft before selling it as an Amazon book, I still LOVE this version as well. Very proud~ And VGCP!
July: Two Oumota short stories, "Touring Mortality" and "Execution Failed". Touring Mortality was especially fun to write, though I was amazed at the positive feedback Execution Failed got. It was very uplifting XD This was also the month I (re)started my original story "Pearls and Shackles". Also probably VGCP August: More Pearls and Shackles, more VGCP. September: Pearls and Shackles! Probably more VGCP! Can't remember! October: Can you guess? PEARLS AND SHACKLES! VIDEO GAME CRUELTY POTENTIAL!! November: This was a purely Pearls and Shackles month, and that was because I dedicated NANO (National Novel Writing Month) to finishing it. AND I DID! It super needs a second draft, its not ready to show off, but it EXISTS! So hell yeah!
December: A funny short V3 story called "Soulmate Goose of Enforcement!" I had a lot of fun collaborating with this one with Lex, and am hoping to do a chapter 2 with another great writer added to the mix too, Andromebaa. I also started the first two chapters of a new novel manuscript, a Hanahaki story about a pair of lesbians struggling with love in their own ways, but both trying their best! And, also, I updated "Video Game Cruelty Potential"
Did I overestimate how often I updated VGCP this year? Underestimate? I have no idea, that fic is almost 300,000 words long by this point, let's call an update every other month a generous average of how often I add to it. Other then VGCP, I did 8 Short Fanfics, finished a book, started and finished another book, and started a third book. And I'm not counting stories I had to write for my school year. Just ones I did out of the passion in my damn heart.
So, yeah! I'm pretty proud of this year, it was a good one. I hope anyone reading this had just as good a year! Writers, steal this idea, go looking back the year and brag about what you accomplished! You deserve it!
Have a good 2024 everyone!
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noahwylle · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @jesuisici33 thank you mwuah 💛
I'm gonna put some of it under the cut bc it got kinda long uhh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently consumed by 911, but most of my fics either belong to The Witcher or Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
789 – Long and Lost /geraskier, 9.7k, explicit/
707 – It might walk like a duck /steddie, 10k, explicit/
656 – The Companion /geraskier, 6.9k, mature/
634 – A promise I could not make (But what if I was wrong?) /geraskier, 16.4k, mature/
451 – Of Banquets and Destinies /geraskier, 5.4k, gen/
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely!! I love everyone who takes the time to comment on my stuff, it makes me so happy and excited whenever I get the email 💛
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a firm believer of heavy angst + happy endings, but I gotta say But where they lay, they cannot stay is hands down the angstiest, because it can barely be classified as a happy ending oops
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess Spare me your dreams has a pretty sappy ending lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but once I got a comment on the last chapter of a multi, saying that they 'liked it up until the smut' because I made them use spit as lube and apparently 'I was promoting unsafe sexual practices'........ love, this is fiction and not a sex ed class. The characters in question weren't even fully human, come on now.
I have been moderating my comments ever since, because I'm just not willing to give the time of day to idiots like that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Funnily enough I wasn't big on smut for a really long time and though I felt that some stories needed it, I always just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible (I also used to skim sex scenes when I was reading) because I just didn't really find them interesting... that kinda changed when I found some truly exquisite fics and realised that smut can be written just engagingly as the rest of the story and now I include explicit smut in most of the stuff I write. I just really enjoy getting into that part of the characters' minds and finding different scenarios and new nasty things for them to do 😊
What kind? Hmm. Not sure, I like to sprinkle in some sub/dom undertones and a little bit of a praisekink or edging even for the most vanilla stuff. I wouldn't say my stuff is that kinky?? Though I did write watersports, public settings and some degradation too, but who even knows what's considered kinky nowadays...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't write crossovers, I don't even read them... it's just not for me, I guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, so hopefully not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, or at least I can't remember anyone asking
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It was the way I used to RP in high school... I'd write a paragraph and then my roommate would write the next and we'd pass the notebook back and forth until we finished... it was mostly smut though and I have no idea if I could actually co-write something publishable 💔
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have a few forever fandoms and forever ships... but I gotta say buddie is the most fun I ever had in fandom so far, so I think they deserve the title (hah)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
fuck, so many 😭 but I have a long steddie fic (26k already written and it's about halfway done) that I regret not finishing, because it was the ultimate angst and character study and I just... yeah, it would've been great, but maybe I get into the mood when season 5 comes out (or it'll just make me wanna never touch the fandom ever again, who knows)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure what counts as strength, but I love learning the speech patterns of the characters I'm writing for and I guess I've gotten kind of alright at it??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing fluff is definitely something that doesn't come easy for me
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Worth it if it makes sense in context and you can make sure that you translate correctly (or realistically incorrectly, if that's what you're going for). Overusing another language just to show that you can is not a good reading experience though, especially if you only put the translation in the end notes.
Also, making a character that rarely ever speaks that language speak it extensively without a good reason can take me out of the story real fucking quick... generally just use it when it makes sense and you can make sure that you're not butchering it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think the first one I ever posted online was a RyoDa fic (jpop rpf, respectively) and the first fandom I posted for on ao3 was Stranger Things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmmm. It kinda changes as I move along. I always felt like Hunger at last was pretty under-appreciated compared to my other witcher fics, but It might walk like a duck was something I wrote in about 2 days because it came to me so smoothly and I really enjoyed writing it... The Companion is a big favourite for me because I think it was a pretty unique idea to work with... also it's not even posted yet but the mudslide fic already has such a special place in my heart, plus it has my favourite confession scene I've ever written so...
idk I'm not a very decisive person lmao sorry
✨no pressure tagging: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @daffi-990 @callaplums @ladydorian05 and anyone who wants to do it 💛
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myfanfictiongarden · 9 months ago
Guys, I did it, I finished my multi-chapter Phantom of the Opera fic, a fic that I´ve been working on for 5 months but that has been nesting in my head since last year January.
Fourteen chapters.
22 868 words.
Can't believe I actually did it!
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reliablejoukido · 1 year ago
NaNo Project Update #5: Week 4/Finale
Tumblr media
"Somewhere Only We Know" Chapters 11-16
Chapter 11/16: Hikari and Takeru, mostly Hikari POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 12/16: Daisuke and Ken, both POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 13/16: Miyako and Koushiro, mostly Miyako POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 14/16: Ensemble adv cast, mostly Taichi POV - 0%
Chapter 15/16: Sora and Joe, mostly Sora POV - 0%
Chapter 16/16: Ensemble 02 cast, Mimi & Joe - multiple POV - 0%
I set out at the beginning of NaNo to write only SOWK, hoping to finish the story. Obviously it didn't quite work out that way, but I'm happy with getting 3 out of 6 chapters accomplished. I will make a more comprehensive project update soon, but in essence, I'm taking a break from writing this story until the spring. I WILL be posting the 3 finished chapters much sooner though.
"The Universal Language of Friendship" Chapters 1-6
ON HOLD - about 35% done
Still on hold. Still not feeling it. But I do have plans to return. Thank you to everyone supporting me.
"(Don't) stop flirting" - Daiken oneshot (rated M)
I'm really proud of how this one turned out, even though it was relatively short.
"Bar-Crossed Lovers" - Daiyako multi-chaptered (rated M)
I got this one up past 11k, which helped my NaNo numbers a lot. I adore Daiyako/Daimiya and I want to explore this ship more in the future. At first, with this fic, I was worried everything was too way silly. But then I realized I didn't have to make it serious if I didn't feel like it. So this is the most unabashedly romcom-y story I think I've ever written. And I've written a lot of romcom.
"Backstreet's Back" (working title) - Daikenkeru oneshot (rated explicit)
I've had bits and pieces of this Daikenkeru threesome fic written for a few years now. Most of my writing for it took place after I reached 50k, but I'm still counting this as a project I worked on during NaNo. The fic is chaotic and sexy and weird. And if you know the real reason why the working title is "Backstreet's Back", I love you.
I want to take my time during December on this one, since I'm technically supposed to be taking a writing break. I'm sure there are people out there interested in reading this type of fic, so I've been wanting to actually finish it for a long time.
I accomplished 50k and beyond! All in all, my first NaNo was pretty fun. Everyone in the Camp Digimonth server was wonderfully kind and supportive, as well as my followers and mutuals here on tumblr. I'm really glad I took a chance with NaNo. I have to admit that I did get stressed out a few times trying to stay ahead of the game with my wordcount, causing me to panic about how I wanted to move forward with the month. But talking it out with encouraging friends was a blessing.
Work projects, my cousin's wedding, the 02 film, a bad headcold, Jou Weekend, and Thanksgiving all threw hurdles at me, both good and stressful. But I prevailed and I'm proud of myself. I still can't believe I decided to work on 5 projects over NaNo instead of one, but I think in doing that, it helped keep the momentum going. Whenever I got stuck on something with SOWK, I was able to pick up a different project and work from there. And all of those separate projects were something exciting to work on.
Anyway, I hope everyone who participated in NaNo 2023 had a good one, no matter where you ended up progress-wise with your projects. And a BIG thank you to everyone who was supportive of the people doing NaNo this month!
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